Relocation - Ihr günstiges Zügelunternehmen & Umzugsfirma in Zürich: Günstiger Umzug GmbH

Low Priced Relocation in Zürich

Low priced, fast, starting at 97 Sfr, incl. truck and insurance

Günstiger Umzug is your reliable and competent partner for all issues regarding relocation and transport. It doesn't matter if you are only looking for suitable boxes or if you would like to have a complete relocation or transport arranged.

Our team consists of very experienced students who finance their studies by working with us, professional carpenters, truckers and the office crew.

The office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 12:00 AM and 13:30 PM to 17:00 PM and can be reached via the toll free number +41 (44) 560 87 - 00.

Call us now, and we will be happy to answer all your questions regarding your relocation or transport and also will happily issue you a quote free of charge. You will be impressed by our competent consultation and surprised about the low prices.

Request your free quote now by completing the form below or by calling in and let us surprise you with our low prices.

Here is what an english customer said about his move by Günstiger Umzug:

"In a recent move by Günstiger, I was extremely impressed by the professionalism and concern they showed in making my move, to a new home, an almost eventless experience. We moved in very unpleasant weather conditions. They showed the utmost in care, attention to detail and in general helped me and my wife to feel that we were in excellent hands. I would wholeheartedly recommend them as a moving company of distinction.

James P. Ellerbee
President - Ellerbee Consulting GmbH

The benefits of using Günstiger Umzug:

  • The "Günstiger Umzug" – Satisfaction Guarantee: We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our service. If you are not, you will receive a 5% discount on the final bill.
  • Free of charge optimization of your electricity bill included: When relocating, you usually have to switch electricity providers. At this point, we take the opportunity to see if there is a possibility for you to safe money on your electricity bill. With this service it has already happened that our customers relocated once with us, but henceforward saved 50 Sfr a month for the rest of the time they stayed in their new appartment.
  • No-Risk-Guarantee included: Ein Umzug bringt mit sich, dass Sie sich beim jeweiligen Stromzulieferer ummelden müssen. Die Günstiger Umzug GmbH hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, bei der Gelegenheit auch gleich nachzusehen, ob es Möglichkeiten gibt, Ihre Stromrechnung zu optimieren, sprich Ihnen Geld zu sparen. So ist es schon vorgekommen, das unsere Kunden mit uns nur ein einziges Mal umgezogen sind und dann ein Leben lang um CHF 50 pro Monat weniger für ihren Strom bezahlen. Der Unterschied zwischen den billigsten Tarifen und den teuersten Tarifen ist 90%! Wissen Sie ob Sie den billigsten haben, oder 90% zuviel zahlen? Wir sagen es ihnen, kostenlos.
  • No-Risk-Guarantee included: ur No-Risk-Guarantee covers ALL possible damages that could happen during a relocation. As opposed to a mere transport insurance, this also covers possible damages which could happen on the way from the old appartment to the truck, on the way from the old appartment to the new appartment as well as on the way from the truck into the new appartment. In short: Everything that could happen during a relocation and all that without you paying a single Rappen.
  • Our prices already include all possible additional costs:
    • The company's public liability insurance
    • LSVA taxes
    • Catering costs
    • Gasoline und mileage costs
  • Relocation-experienced pros: More than 5000 relocations done.
  • Differently sized trucks, from 20 to 36m³, to further help safe you money.
  • All our trucks are equiped with GPS: The search for addresses therefore ends and cost is saved.
  • Relocation can be payed by installments: On customer request, we offer installments. Details on this shall be discussed with the CEO.
  • We further offer through close cooperations: evictions, cleaning services, disposal of old furniture, storage and a fully equiped shop with everything you could possibly need for your relocation project..

Our prices

Option Number of movers
and trucks
(appr. 20 m³)
CHF / hour
1 1 mover
1 truck
2 1 mover
2 trucks
3 1 mover
3 trucks
4 2 movers
2 trucks
5 2 movers
3 trucks
6 2 movers
4 trucks
7 2 movers
5 trucks
8 2 movers
6 trucks
9 1 large truck
2 movers
10 1 large truck
3 movers

All prices excl. 7,7% VAT.
All incl. offers possible. Please inqire.

Inquire now: (And YES, your inquiry is FREE!)

 Male   Female 
00 (0)  
Relocation Final cleaning Storage
No Yes
No Yes
none Piano Safe both
No Yes (USM is a Swiss furniture brand.)
Final cleaning
Under no circumstances will your data be handed over to third person companies.
For details, please see our general terms and conditions.

Günstige Umzugsfirma gesucht?

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✓ Bestpreisgarantie  ✓ 9.000 Umzüge Erfahrung